
What Makes A Good Website?


2. Well designed and functional

A website should be both visually appealing and highly functional. It should accurately represent your company, products, services, and brand. To achieve this, it is essential to have a clean and uncluttered layout with high-quality photographs and graphics, allowing for sufficient white space. This will ensure that your message shines through to your audience.

In addition to a well-designed appearance, your website must also function correctly and efficiently. It should adhere to web standards, undergo rigorous proofreading, and regular testing to identify and resolve any speed or functionality issues. Remember that every page on your site has the potential to be a customer's first impression, so it is crucial that they load quickly and provide a seamless user experience. Any broken links, slow loading times, or poorly constructed areas will only frustrate your visitors and likely drive them away.

We have encountered some websites where the page loads too slow, making us frustrated and finding an alternative website with a similar product for us to buy. They lost a customer that day. And it may happen to you too if your website’s performance is not up to par.

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